Societas Rosicruciana In Anglia

Societas Rosicruciana In Anglia

The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia was founded in 1867 and derived from the SRIS following the admission of William James Hughan and Robert Wentworth Little into that order. The two of them were advanced quickly in Scotland and granted a warrant to form a Society in England. The formation meeting took place on June 1, 1867 in Aldermanbury, London, with Frater Little elected Supreme Magus

Rosicrucian Society of Freemasons

The S.R.I.A. is an independent Christian society, all its members being Master Masons, who accept and believe in the fundamental principles of the Trinitarian Christian faith. It is organised in nine grades, each having an appropriate ritual. In addition to these ceremonies, members are encouraged to take an active role and write and give original papers, to listen and to learn, and by study and giving to others the result of that study, to take an active part in working out the great problems of life and understanding the  literature, art,  and wisdom of the Ancient World. Thus the object of the Society is to facilitate the study of the system of philosophy which was inculcated by the original Fratres Rosae Crucs of 1450 AD and based upon the Hermetic, Platonic and Qabalistic teachings of the ancients. The object is to bring Freemasons of philosophic and academic outlook together, that they may encourage each other in the pursuit of their own studies in the field of philosophy and scholarship in the widest sense. Ultimately its object is to bring its members a few steps nearer to wisdom and the understanding of the true nature of reality

Admission to the society is limited to Master Masons who are subscribing members of a Lodge under the Grand Lodge of England or a jurisdiction in amity with Grand Lodge and who accept and believe in the fundamental principles of the Trinitarian Christian faith.”

There are two Colleges meeting within the area of the Masonic Province of East Kent. The nearest for members of Loyal and True is the William Harvey at the Balmoral Rd. Gillingham Centre.

Meetings are held on the 4th Friday in February, the 1st Saturday in May and the 4th Tuesday in August

Contact Details

Name: Brian Prevett

Position: Provincial Secretary

Telephone: 01825 768300

Email: Brian Prevett


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