Loyal and True Lodge Meetings
Our Regular meetings begin prompt at 6pm, on the third Wednesday of the following months – January , March, April, September and November. Morning dress, or dark lounge suits with black shoes and tie, white shirt and white gloves, should be worn. All officers should be aware that unless they advise the Dining Steward to the contrary by the previous Thursday, they will automatically be booked in for dining after the meeting. If you would like to book in guests you can use the form opposite to do so.
Every Brother elected or appointed to an Office, shall, by his acceptance thereof, be considered as pledged to a strict performance of the duties attached thereto, and a regular attendance during the period for which he shall be so elected or appointed. Officers unable to be present at the opening of the Lodge are requested to notify the Secretary as early as possible, so that the necessary arrangements may be made for other Brethren to fill their offices.